
Saturn sky redline for sale in pa
Saturn sky redline for sale in pa

saturn sky redline for sale in pa

One other thing is that there is a loan on the car and will have to go to my bank to complete the deal and banking hours down here are Monday thru Friday only.no weekend hours. I think this is a fair and honorable way to sell something of this value. I will keep the $125.00 to pay for Ebay fees. If you are the winner of this car you only send me via PayPal $125.00 When you come and look at the car if it is not what you expected you can walk and this will be no hard feelings.

saturn sky redline for sale in pa

I know it is difficult to spend this kind of money on a car and not seeing it in person so I think I have a way of making fair for me and the buying party. I even have the original window dealer info sheet. It has about all the bells and whistles that a Redline came with including the Monsoon sound system and spoiler. I have only been caught in the rain once, in fact I think it has not been more than a hundred miles from the house. It is in near showroom condition, It has a new battery and new tires and has always been garage kept. This is a pristine Sky Redline, I'm the second owner, I'm 63 and the first owner was a lady in her 50s. I changed my mind and kept it a few more years but it still looks about the same.

saturn sky redline for sale in pa

#Saturn sky redline for sale in pa manual

Now it just sits covered in the garage and it makes me sad that I can't drive it much anymore.A very fun car to drive around and much CHEAPER than you will get from a dealer!5 Speed Manual TransmissionViper Security system w/ motion detector6 compact disc changerAUX port for MP3, iPhone, smart phoneShipping not included in the price.Pictures are from 2011 when I almost sold the car for $15000. I used to only drive it on weekends for fun, church, and special events. Never had any mechanical issues since I've owned it. Hopefully someone else can enjoy it like I once did as a young, single man.Purchased from a Used Car Dealer in 2009 in L.A. I don't see that trend ending anytime soon. This will be the second baby in less than 2 years and I didn't get to drive it much at all after the 1st kid. My wife just had a baby in February so she's making me get rid of the car I love for something "more practical for our family".

Saturn sky redline for sale in pa